An animated image of the letter 'B' with circuits running above and below.

Empowering users with accessible websites

As an emerging coder who has rapidly excelled in programming, Bella is eager to contribute to the tech community and continue to embrace new challenges!


Headshot of Bella Bradbury.

Bella first caught the programming bug when taking computer class in middle school, but it wasn't until early 2022 that she formally delved into the realm of web development. Through the successful completion of two TechDegrees from Team Treehouse, Bella honed her skills and opened the door to an exciting opportunity. Presently, she collaborates with Treehouse to provide continuous support to current students, fostering a thriving community of aspiring developers.

When not immersed in the online world, Bella can most often be found captivating audiences on stage or screen. Her extensive experience in the arts equips her with the ability to confidently forge meaningful connections, commit to continuous practice and problem-solving, and effectively visualize and manage both intricate details and larger concepts.

HTML. CSS. JavaScript. GitHub. Slack. Node. Express. SQL. React.

